

School is Where Kids Learn Life

The Schools Well Framework is a comprehensive, coordinated approach to student health. Schools may work with SWELL to develop a full Schools Well Framework, or to develop selected key initiatives that will uplift wellness where strategies already exist, or initiate wellness programming in a school at the start of its journey.

If you are looking to create a Wellness Center from the ground up, develop innovative wellness programming, strengthen and evaluate your current approach, or simply explore what might be possible for your school.

Jessica Colvin, MSW, MPH, PPSC

SWELL Developer

With 20 years of leadership in the school wellness movement, Jessica helps grow the San Francisco Wellness Initiative into a nationally recognized model, and pioneered the development of Wellness Centers join other districts. Her training as a social worker, public health practitioner, school counselor, and school administrator, affords her in dynamic and relatable lens for implementing school wellness. her work has been featured in The New York Times, SF Chronicle, Marin Magazine, ETR Publications, and the Marin Independent Journal.
Jessica believes that school is where kids learn life, that even teen needs and deserves an adult in their corner, and that young people have the resilience, bravery, and leadership promise to transform the way that teens and adults navigate adolescent health and wellness. She also know that schools are the very best place to support teens, and because those schools already carry a heavy load, they could use a solid partner in fostering the climate and conditions for teens to thrive.